Saturday, September 02, 2006

i just watch finish 1 disc of Friends and it lasted 4 hours. hmm i think everyday i shall watch Friends to kill time. i think i have enough for one whole week.

my rashes are getting better. its not that itchy. and my face rash went down. that means if i wear long sleeve and jeans, i can go out! whoo-hooo!!

i just got a new bubble skirt and two tops. mom came back from shopping. my mom is just a great shopper. she knows where to get nice things. haa! most of my clothes are bought by her without me being there. and it turned out more successful that the ones that i picked out. hmm she really has good taste yeah.

im gonna play kongkong now. and maybe gb later. have been playing with ronald lately lol. i think he's bored too. so we shall make use of each other's boredness and play non-sensical games {which is kongkong. not gunbound}


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